Thursday, December 28, 2006

Enlightened or not-enlightened

Dr. Gyanchandra Says: December 28th, 2006 at 4:58 am The conversation going on about enlightened beings and intermediate zone gurus. I want to emphasize with humbleness that UPANISHANDS HAVE CLEARLY DEFINED THESE THINGS IN GREAT DETAILS. Referring the utterances of the Upanishads one will come out in the open and fully can bring home the real and truthful from unreal and false.
Upanishad says that these matters are such that,”Where language and words turn back disappointed along with mind and intellect that is the domain of truth. The fact is that only an enlightened person can recognize another recognized being. Though sometimes it is also exceptional. The great Rajneesh said in his book, Krishna In My Eyes” that Sri Aurobindo Could not reach or pierce through beyond the area and space of the mind” while the curious thing is that Sri Aurobindo is the only person who has written extensively and exclusively on the matters and areas beyond mind. Even he has categorized the mental levels in its all the segments, subtle and still more subtle.
What I want to add in this lovely discussion is that first one has to ear mark his/her ultimate goal or absolute aim in life which one wants to achieve. Accordingly one can choose his teacher or Guru. This is highly wrong notion that all great souls go to same destination or same realm after death. The Veda clearly tells of at least fourteen Lokas which all have millions of the worlds in it. The choice is open to all and each to choose his own world of his liking where one wants to reach when leave one’s body or still can experience that chosen world while still living. It is a known fact to the people who study and practice Vedic Tantra Sadhana that Hindu Vedic, Hindu Pauranic or MUSLIM OR A CHRISTIAN WILL GO TO THEIR RESPECTIVE CHOOSEN WORLD. GOD IS NOT ONE, RATHER God is all and everything and has untold number of diversities and varieties. Hence one is free to choose and receive accordingly. Hindu book Yogavashistha is very expressive on this matter.
Now Sri Aurobindo whether right or wrong, but is absolutely new, unfamiliar and grossly misunderstood or truly speaking less understood. He has given at least 35 thick volumes and in all of his books he describes the things differently and in an absolutely unconnected manner. Because truth is global and universal and just little shift of angle or intent the whole meaning changes. There fore Veda and Upanishads insists that do not ever try to know or catch the truth by mind, intellect or , mental discernment. It will not do. Develop intuition, make it the enlightened intuition by that way only one can experience the truth. Normally people confuse impulse for intuition.( Dr. Gyanchandra, 98-100.52659)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Problem in understanding Aurobindo's writings

The extraordinary thing about Aurobindo is that he experienced first and did write later. His all the writings are supported by his years and years of yoga practices where he experimented and re-examined again and again and then he found support or identical quotes in ancient Indian treatise which are still complex and very difficult for people to understand. For instance the parts of the Veda which are still sound Greek and Latin to most of the scholars of the Veda but when you read Aurobindo with the help of his new Nirukta, the Mantra becomes much easier to understand. Once he mentioned in a letter to a friend that he wants to make a new Nirukta but unfortunately he could not complete the work in his life time. Without that special connotations and explanations of the Vedic words it is difficult to bring home the real sense of his very deep esoteric writings.
Furthermore, he declared to one of his nearest disciples that almost by the end of 1910 his mind stopped thinking. He was acting and working on the intuitive guidance from within. He had made his intuition enlightened by so many special yogic practices. Now the question is whether one can decode the deeper meanings of Aurobindo's writings without deep study of his Vedic interpretations and essays on the secret of the Veda and can one use his intellectual mind and mental faculties to enter into Aurobindo's real sense of the theme?

On the painting 'Triple Consciousness'

There are three basic worlds. The first is the world of matter, the second of vital energy and life force and the third is of the mind. In ancient India these were called bhuh, bhuvah, swah. The trident on the head symbolizes the three world principle which is reflected on the human face underneath. Humanity is preparing to go to the domain of TAT the final world of Vigyaana. The Savita or sun of creative principle.

Triple consciousness

Man human to man divine

One soul's ambition lifted up the race.

One man's perfection still can save the world.